Giving to God's Work

Why give?
Our God is a gracious and generous God. Everything we have comes from Him, and giving back to Him acknowledges His goodness and our dependence on Him.
We believe giving to God's work, through both the local church and other organisations, is an important part of Christian discipleship. While the New Testament doesn't provide specific guidelines on what to give, we believe the Old Testament pattern of starting at a tenth of income is a helpful one.
We encourage regular giving, and also have an annual Gift Day for special projects. The church aims to give away a tenth of what it receives through regular and occasional donations.
How we use your gifts
The money you give is used in the following ways:
Paying for staff members we employ - a Youth and Children's Minister, a Youth and Children’s Worker, a Worship Pastor, an Administrator, an Office and Events Co-ordinator and an Operations Manager
Giving to the Diocese to help fund our Vicar and (when in post) an Associate Vicar and/or Curate, as well as supporting other less well off churches in the Diocese
Giving to missionary organisations in the UK and overseas
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich
(2 Corinthians 8:9) |
Providing Sunday Services, children’s groups on Sunday and during the week, and a wide variety of other courses, events and activities
Maintaining our buildings, including repairs, redecoration and utility costs
Running the Church Centre as a resource for the local community.
Each year our Church Council (the PCC) sets a budget which outlines the income and expenditure we expect to see. Our annual expenditure now exceeds £450,000. Apart from around £40,000 from hiring our premises, we need to raise this money through donations by church members.
How can I give?
There are several ways in which you can give financially to the work of our church:
Standing Order - This method is popular with most of our regular donors. It makes the administration of your giving much easier (the funds are transferred straight into our account, reducing the amount of cash we handle each week) and helps us plan ahead with confidence. We provide you with a Standing Order form which you complete and send to your bank. Alternatively you can set up a Standing Order online
One-off Donations - Regular donations help us with our financial planning, but we are also very pleased to receive one-off payments
Legacies - For longer term planning we are very pleased to receive legacy gifts.
Tax efficient giving
Gift Aid - If you are a UK taxpayer you can increase the value of your donation by 25% by completing a Gift Aid Declaration
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver
(2 Corinthians 9:7) |
Form. This applies to both regular and one-off donations. We provide you with a Gift Aid declaration form (to be returned to our Planned Giving Secretary) which applies retrospectively to any giving you may have made in the preceding four years. You must be confident that you have paid enough tax in each tax year to allow us to continue reclaiming the tax, and you must tell us as soon as this is not the case (so that we stop reclaiming against your donations)
Give As You Earn - Many employers now provide the means for staff to make charitable donations via their payroll system. Your donation comes out of your gross salary before tax. For higher rate tax payers this means that you can increase the value of an after tax donation by 67%. Why not find out if your employer supports this kind of giving? If they don’t, why not introduce them to an organisation like CAF (Charities Aid Foundation), the UK's largest Payroll Giving scheme that works with over 6,000 employers.
What next?
If you would like to start supporting God’s work at Holy Trinity financially, or you wish to change your current level of support, or you would like further advice or information, please contact David Ewart (Church Treasurer) or Keith Nurse (Planned Giving and Gift Aid). You can use these links to access a Standing Order Mandate form and a Gift Aid Declaration form.
Other ways of supporting us
We have an annual Gift Day, which is an opportunity to support ministry and mission outside our parish. You can read about our latest Gift Day here.
Our Discretionary Fund provides financial support through grants and interest-free loans to church members facing unexpected and essential needs. It receives money from donations made when refreshments are served at Sunday morning and Wednesday morning Services, regular and one-off gifts from church members, and interest on the funds that are held. If you would like to make a regular or one-off contribution to the Fund, or if you feel you have a particular need which the Fund could support, please contact Liz Morris, who administers it.
You can support us through easyfundraising when you shop online, as thousands of retailers will donate a percentage of your spend to your nominated cause when you shop with them through the easyfundraising website. Just register with easyfundraising and nominate us to receive your support; we are listed as Holy Trinity Church - Richmond.