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Youth and Children


Sue Jackson, our  Children's Pastor,  has a heart to see children and their families find friendship with Jesus.

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Eseabasi Ntefon, our Youth and Children's Pastor,  is passionate about showing the love of Christ to young people.

Holy Trinity has an active and vibrant ministry to children, young people and families from the church and the local community. We believe that children and young people can enjoy a rewarding relationship with Jesus, play an active role in their community and that they can fully take part in the life of the church. 


Sundays at Holy Trinity 

                                 Website Photos                     2
Our Sunday groups run from 10am every Sunday. Groups are age-specific for children and young people aged from 0 to 18, in addition to All Age Worship. We have four  groups for the following ages:

0 to 3s - Fledglings (HTR Kids)
4 to 8s - All Together (HTR Kids)
8 to 10s - Explorers  (HTR Kids)
11+ - Impact Youth

If you are interested in one of our Sunday Groups, please fill out a registration form for your child or young person here. Once it is completed, please send it back to Sue (HTR Kids) or Ese (Impact Youth). 


During the Week - Children

                                  Beige Grey Aesthetic Minimalis

Refresh, (in collaboration with Riverbank), is a mum's only space where a group of mums and their pre-school children meet with a vision for community and friendship. There is free play and toys for the children, and time to share a delicious brunch, refreshments, a singing session and Bible time for both mum and child. These sessions run from 10-11:30am. If you would like to join us then please contact the Church Office.

                                                                        Website Photos (2)

Glow - A children's club open to all children in school years 4, 5 and 6. Each event has a Christian theme and input as well as games, craft, sport, art, computer games, chillout, table games and tuck. It runs monthly on Friday evenings during term time, 7-8:30pm.

 Glow Dates:
Friday 25th April
Friday 16th May 
Friday 20th June

During the Week - Youth 

Our youth groups are for young people aged 11+. We want every young person in our area to have an opportunity to hear the Gospel and respond, and we want to be part of this. We love to meet during the week as a community with a mission to get to know God more, live as active disciples of Jesus and learn how to reach our friends, schools, and community with the Gospel. 

Our 2 midweek groups run between 6-7:30pm on alternate Wednesdays and are: 


22nd January
5th February
26th February
12th March
2nd April 
30th April
14th May
28th May
11th June
25th June (TBC)
9th July


15th Jan
29th Jan
12th Feb
5th March
19th March
23rd April 
7th May
21st May
4th June
18th June
2nd July

Upcoming Youth Trips/Events:

Youth Worship Evening
Saturday 15th March

Ages: 11-18

Time: 5-8pm

Revival Youth Worship Night is an idea born out of the young people's desire to worship God for an extended time, while also bringing friends along to experience the love and presence of God. 

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Cost: Free

Please Book Your Young Person on Here

Youth Weekend Away 2025
Friday 27th - Sunday 29th June

Ages 11-18

This is time for the young people to worship, build stronger bonds with each other and the team, and deepen their journeys with Jesus!

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Cost: £120 per YP

Please email Ese for more information about this trip

Focus 2025
Thursday 24th - Sunday 27th July

Ages 11-18

We'll be gathering at Newark Showground as a church family! We encourage families with children and young people to join us. 

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Find out More Information and Book Your Tickets Here

Signposting Trip: Danehill Ventures
All Summer 

Ages 14-18

A few of our young people will be heading to Danehill Ventures which is a 7-night youth holiday for 14 – 18s. It is a place where they can be themselves, make amazing friends, and have a ridiculous amount of fun! No matter what your background and what you believe, you’ll be able to find out more about who God is, what Jesus did and what that means for your life!

We're signposting this trip because it's been life-changing for some of our young people, and it's TONS of fun!

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Cost: £349

Find out more about this trip here 

If cost is ever an issue for you, please contact Ese our Youth and Children's Pastor as we would be happy to support.  

You can see our Policy for safeguarding children and young people here.