Do you ever ... (Part 2)

Do you ever read a book and a sentence or paragraph that makes you stop? The sentence swirls around your brain. Sometimes it’s because of a new word you don’t know, sometimes it is a familiar concept that has just been written in a different way. Sometimes it is the Holy Spirit prompting you to listen … really listen.
Last year I was reading a book designed to help with morning routines. Mornings are not my strong suit, and I wanted to think about ways I could improve getting up, having a quiet time with God and generally starting the day in a better way. Very near the beginning of it was this quote:
“Because of Jesus, God does not require our perfection.”
It made me stop and think. This is a truth I know, but do I really live like I believe it? Mornings are still a work in progress, but as this quote has reminded me, my morning doesn’t need to be perfect, because of Jesus. My quiet time doesn’t need to be perfect, because of Jesus. Should I continue to work on these things? Yes, absolutely! Jesus is using my weaknesses to transform me, and that can only be good, but I do this remembering that I am already perfect to God because of Jesus’ perfect sacrifice.
Prayer - Lord Jesus, thank you that because of your great sacrifice, we are already perfect in God's eyes. As we take time to consider this, help us to hold this truth close to our hearts. Help us to continue to allow Jesus to hold and shape us through the Holy Spirit, that we may become more Christ like each day. Amen
Suggested Reading: Finish reading though the Gospel that you started.
Photo by Fernando Lavin on Unsplash
Louise Wells, 17/01/2024