Do you ever ... (Part 1)

Do you ever watch a film and get struck by a certain scene or a word/phrase that seems to become a catchphrase in the film? Before Christmas (is it too early/too late to be mentioning the C word?), I was watching a film about a small town trying to save their local Drive In Movie Theatre. A phrase that came up frequently was:
“Don’t give up before the miracle.”
Read it again … “Don’t give up before the miracle.” What does it make you think of? For me it took me out of the movie and into a time of waiting. In our Bibles, it is the turn of a page that takes us from the Old Testament to the New Testament. For us, a fraction of a second, but in reality it was hundreds of years. We see in the first few chapters of the New Testament the faithfulness of God’s people who were waiting for a miracle. They didn’t give up before the miracle of Jesus’ birth. Further on in the Gospels we see friends and family of Jesus not really understanding the great miracle of Easter. So my challenge to myself and to you this year is this - “Don’t give up before the miracle.” Take time this year to really understand the miracle of Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection.
Prayer - Heavenly Father, thank you that you have given us the greatest miracle in Jesus. Help us to start this year putting our hope in Jesus. Help us to really understand the miracle of Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection. Amen
Suggested Reading: The first few chapters of any of the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke or John
Image by Marta Kulesza from Pixabay
Louise Wells, 15/01/2024