We all can feel God's pleasure

This week I watched news as the British Olympic team headed to Paris, this time by train and not by boat. At the last Paris Olympics the British team was waved off to cross the Channel, a moment many of us will of become familiar with if we have seen the film ‘Chariots of Fire.’
At that Olympics, 100 years ago, the famous runner Eric Liddell’s Olympic heat was on a Sunday. To Liddell, part of honouring God meant that after months of training and a high expectation that he would win an Olympic medal, he wouldn’t run. Eric Liddell was prepared to put his faith first even though it meant giving up on a dream he had been working so long to achieve. Over the last few weeks I have been thinking about his story. I have wondered if I am strong enough and faithful enough to give up a dream and put God first.
As well as considering if I would be strong enough to honour God, I have also been thinking about the famous phrase from the film: ‘When I run, I feel his pleasure.’ It is a quote that is often attributed to Eric Liddell. It isn’t entirely clear that he actually said those words, but it was certainly mentioned in the film. I have been wondering what word I would replace ‘run’ with … (it definitely wouldn’t be running for me)
So I ask you the same question: What would you replace the word run with? Would it be when I sing, or when I design an Excel sheet, or when I support a friend or when I make a wonderful dinner …? God has given us all different gifts, but when we use them, we should feel his pleasure.
When I ___________________, I feel his pleasure.
Heavenly Father, thank you that when you ask us to do something to honour you, you will give the strength and commitment we need. Thank you that you have also given us so many gifts and when we use them for your glory, you are delighted in us and want us to know your pleasure. As we watch the Olympics this year, help us to remember all the Christian participants. May they strive to do their best in their sport to honour you and show your glory. Amen.
Photo by Luca Dugaro on Unsplash
Louise Wells, 22/07/2024