Fresh as a daisy

Yet the news about him spread all the more,
so that crowds of people came to hear him
and to be healed of their sicknesses.
But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed
(Luke 5:15-16)
It's Daisy season! I recently learnt that the name Daisy comes from the words "days - eyes" because at night the petals of the Daisy close up and then when the sun rises, they open up, like eyes opening up over the grass! Apparently, they do this to help lock in moisture and to protect themselves. This is where the phrase "fresh as a Daisy" comes from.
I definitely need time to bring my petals up each day. Jesus did too. A number of times in the Bible we read that Jesus would withdraw to a quiet place and pray with God the Father. I'm sure He needed this time. His time on earth was full of giving - teaching, healing, blessing - and all with considerable opposition. He would have needed times of quiet. But more than that, He would have needed a time of receiving; time for God the Father to guide Him, love Him, and rest with Him.
We have the same access to God the Father, and we too need time to rest and receive from Him. If you spot a Daisy today, maybe that can be a reminder to find some time to let God the Father love you and guide you amongst whatever challenges you are facing today.
A prayer - Lord God, I don’t always feel fresh as a daisy with so much on my mind. Help me to take time today to rest in You and receive Your love. Amen.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Louise McFerran, 22/04/2024