Travelling light

Recently whilst waiting for a flight at the airport I was idly watching other passengers, some of whom appeared stressed with trolleys piled high with heavy cases which left me wondering as to what can be in them. Is it necessary to carry so much stuff which could get misrouted or stolen?
Others had only a small ‘carry-on’ and they sit relaxing, quietly reading or catching up with phone calls.
Some time ago I spent a month travelling in Southern Africa. On the outward journey my large rucksack was lost by the airline, leaving me with only a small bag. I soon realised that was the best thing that could have happened as I travelled unencumbered, not needing to haul a heavy rucksack and protect its contents.
This reminds me of intriguing verses in Isaiah 46 where the prophet, with his usual tartness, comments on the Babylonians fleeing with their idols as Cyrus’ armies invade their land:
The god Bel falls down, god Nebo slumps.
These no-good hunks of wood are loaded on mules and must be hauled off,
Wearing out the poor mules - dead weight, burdens who can’t bear burdens, hauled off into captivity.
The gods of the Babylonians were of no help but had become a burden to the fleeing people. Bel the god of prosperity and Nebo the god of learning and science were useless and no help in their flight.
It is easy for us to accumulate activities, attitudes, or objects in our lives that at one time may have been meaningful and useful but are now unnecessary burdens which sap energy and resources - excessive possessions, reputations to protect, or time expired commitments. Even past achievements of influence, power or success that have snuck into our lives and relationships almost without us realising, but which now sap energy and joy.
We can become burdened with old hurts, unconfessed sins, unrealistic projects, and dreams which need to be shed. It is good to have Lenten seasons in our lives to spring clean the jumble that accumulates so as we can travel through life leaving a light footprint and a worthwhile legacy.
It has been well said that we should ‘travel light, live light, spread the light, and be the light.’
Image by tookapic from Pixabay
Robert Lucas, 10/04/2024