Mary turned

He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying?”
“They have taken my Lord away,” she said,
“and I don’t know where they have put him.”
At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there,
but she did not realise that it was Jesus
(John 20:15)
This was a private garden, so she probably wasn’t supposed to be there in the dark, but it was not as dark as she felt in her heart. She was amongst tombs, a scary place before dawn and now she was even more perplexed as she realised that the grave had been tampered with and the body gone. She would now not be able to tend the body of her beloved with spices as a final act of love and respect. Already ‘on edge’ and knowing that this was no place for a respectable woman, prowling about in the garden in the dark she was approached by a stranger … who enquired as to why she was upset. Responding to his question, she turned - and saw Jesus standing alongside her.
We all have dark periods in our lives which leave us confused, frightened, and at the end of our strength and resources. So often our focus is on the challenge, which is overwhelming us, but we need to follow Mary and turn, turn in faith and expectation, because somewhere out there is our friend and saviour.
Jesus promised that ‘I am with you until the end of the age’ and that promise is available for us all.
Virtually every time Christ appeared to His disciples after the resurrection, they did not recognise Him. Yes, He will be tiptoeing alongside you today as you navigate around the challenges and predicaments facing you, so don’t forget to turn to him in prayer and hope.
Image by TC Perch from Pixabay
Robert Lucas, 08/04/2024