Never Lose the Wonder (Part 1)

At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom
(Matthew 27:51)
“It is Finished!”(John 19:30). As Jesus drew His final breath on the cross, and gave up His spirit, this was his final cry. And, it was at this exact moment, that the temple curtain, separating God’s people from the Holy of Holies, the earthly dwelling place for God’s presence, was torn in two, from its top to its bottom. “It is Finished!”
Every Easter, as I revisit this part of the story, I am struck anew by the beauty and symbolic significance of this momentous moment. This dramatic climax in which the temple curtain is torn, is never lost on me. For it is in this moment that Jesus, our perfect High Priest, by the shedding of His blood, became the perfect sacrifice for all, Jew and Gentile alike. It is in this moment that He enables us to enter into the very heart of the holy of holies. Through the power of what Jesus did on the cross, we are invited into a direct and personal relationship with God.
Yet, even in the closeness of this new covenant offered through Jesus, we should never lose sight of the awe-inspiring wonder, power and holiness of God. It's through this very act of acknowledging his holiness that we begin to truly understand who He is. And with that reverence comes understanding, and a clearer perspective on everything else in our lives - relationships, work, finances, service - all brought into focus by the light of God’s love, majesty and holiness.
We are living through tough times! Times of war, confusion, conflict and uncertainty. Every day we are faced with some new tragedy in the news. In our personal lives you, or those close to you, may be facing times of hardships, financial uncertainty, sickness, grief or pain. In times such as these, we need to remind ourselves, over and over again, to lift our eyes to the eternal throne. The Lord who reigns above all, forever in Holiness.
Through it all though, may we never lose sight of the awe and wonder of an awesome and wonderful Holy God. Who spared nothing so that we could be restored into an intimate and loving relationship with Him, daily encountering His love, mercy, goodness and Holiness.
Let’s Pray - Heavenly Father, may we never lose the wonder of your love for us, of the curtain torn in two, making a way for us to enter into your Holy presence. May we worship you today with a fresh revelation of your Holiness with reverence, awe and wonder. Amen
Kate Thornton, 01/04/2024