Perspectives (Part 1)

Why, Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?
(Psalm 10:1)
I have to admit I’m a great fan of our church Tuesday morning Prayer Meeting. OK, I can see that 7.30 won’t work for everyone - people who start work early, those rounding up children for school and night owls still hiding under the duvet! But if you’re free, it’s a great opportunity to meet for just half an hour via Zoom to start the day praising and thanking God, and praying for our church and the wider world. You’ll find the link for it in our Weekly Update email.
Each time we use a Psalm as the springboard for our prayers. I love the Psalms because they’re real, honest and down to earth. The writers knew that life can be difficult at times, and they weren’t afraid to share their despair, frustration, fear and sometimes anger with God. But time and time again they come away with a different view of their circumstances as they recognise afresh who God is and what He’s like. Seeing God for who He really is changes their perspective.
Psalm 10 is a great example of this. David begins by questioning God about injustice. It seems to him as if those who are proud, arrogant and selfish are the ones who prosper, and God doesn’t seem to care. Even though they mock Him, He doesn’t do anything about it. But as David voices his concerns, it’s as if God gives Him a different perspective, and he says “But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand.” He comes to realise that things aren’t really the way He thought. And by the end of the Psalm he has a very different outlook - “The Lord is King for ever and ever … You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed …”
The word “remember” appears hundreds of times in the Bible. Why? I think it’s because we, because I, so easily forget. I need constantly reminding that God cares about me, that He’s for me. So much in life can easily challenge this, but God is unchanging in the midst of all I face, and remembering what He’s like and seeing life through His eyes changes things completely. Whether it’s reading the Bible regularly, worshipping with others, sharing in a Life Group or praying at 7.30 on a Tuesday(!), I realise I need to make use of every possible opportunity to regain a right perspective.
Prayer - thank you, Lord, that you are an unchanging, always faithful, ever present God who cares deeply for each one of us. Help us to stay close to you, to grasp more fully what you’re like, to learn to see life through your eyes, and to find strength and confidence in trusting in you. Amen
Photo by Alabaster Co on Unsplash
Keith Nurse, 18/03/2024