Salt and Light

We are called to be salt and light to this world. Jesus taught this at the Sermon on the Mount on a hill near Capernaum overlooking the Sea of Gailee. This and many other things were recorded by Matthew and appear in Chapter 5 of his Gospel. Salt and light both influence the environment around them with their very essence. Salt makes things saltier, and light makes things brighter. Obvious, I know, but bear with me.
When I ponder the question, “How can we as followers of Jesus influence the environment around us with our essence?” We are not “salty” and “light” on our own. It is the Spirit of God in us and his desire to work through us that becomes the essence we bring.
This same Spirit that is working through us is also working on us, to heal and grow and disciple us so that we can in turn bring this love to the situations we find ourselves in. It is a Spirit of pure love and we know from Scripture that love conquers anger and fear.
I truly believe that part of Christian discipleship is to work with the Holy Spirit to build our faith and be so filled with his love that we can’t help but become a non-anxious presence everywhere we go and in everything we do.
Love is defined in Chapter 13 of Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth. If we are full of God’s love and it flows out from us into the world, we will be patient, kind and not envious of others. We will not puff ourselves up or be rude or selfish. We would be hard to trigger and not act with cruelty.
We can walk through our lives full of Love for others. This is one way we can be salt and light. We are surrounded by people who are broken, in pain and afraid. Our love, which flows directly from the Spirit, should stand us apart and allow us to minister to those we meet. We do this not from a sense of duty but from an abundant outflowing of this love that we can pass on to others. For a master class in Love, go read 1 John Chapter 4.
I pray Father God, help us to become a non-anxious presence filled with your love. Lead us to be salt and light to the world as we take the abundant and overflowing love from you and pass it on to others
Sean Morris, 06/03/2024