The most legendary party!

I have a family wedding to go to in a few weeks but I don’t think it will be quite like the wedding that Jesus went to, that occurred in the tiny town of Cana. Unlike the wedding I am going to this was a massive event, the highlight of the local community’s year and everyone was invited. It lasted days with much eating and drinking and celebrating. It seems that it was the groom’s responsibility to provide everything necessary for the wedding itself. So here is the problem; the wine runs out! Was the groom not prepared? He doesn’t have what is necessary to provide for his bride. In such a small isolated community this is a deep and gross humiliation, reflecting the groom’s ability to provide for his bride.
We in the West don’t live in a shame culture, so we have to try to understand the immensity of this problem. So can you imagine Mary, Jesus’ mother, finding out that there is no more wine and the tone of her voice as she tells Jesus “There is no more wine, no more wine! They’ve run out!” What a dreadful thing for this young couple at the start of their life together. But his response is almost cryptic - “Woman what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” Woman is not a term of endearment, and then he says what does this have to do with me (what do you and I have in common). The phrase “what concern is that to you and to me?” is a common Semitic expression that implies a sense of disengagement, not active hostility.
And what is the hour that he is talking about? Well, it’s the hour of his death. Jesus is singularly focused on the plan that God the Father has for him, knowing, when he performs this miracle, what is going to happen. The lid is going to come off, there is no more disguising who Jesus is. For the last 30 years he's been in obscurity but when he performs this miracle it’s a total game changer! People will begin to understand, people will begin to talk. Jesus knows this and so in this statement he is beginning to separate himself from his family. He’s not being rude, it’s that he understands that with this miracle the larger plan of God will come to fruition, culminating with his death on the cross. This is Jesus setting his face towards the mission that God has for him. He knows it’s all going to end in his death on the cross. He’s making a break with family, not in a rude way but in a very focused way. He cares about his family, as seen at his crucifixion when hanging on the cross when he asks John to take care of his mother.
What does Jesus do? He gets the servants to fill these water vessels that would have been used for ritual purification, about 120 gallons, up to the top and draw out the water which is now the best wine ever! Who are the first ones to experience this miracle? Is it princes, kings, nobility? No, it’s the servants! Jesus has taken this groom’s humiliation and turned it into the most legendary party ever because he saved the best wine for last. Nobody does that.
I love that Jesus started his ministry with a party. Ancient rabbis have a saying “When the wine runs out the party is over, the joy is gone.” Jesus was saying don’t settle for cheap wine. Don’t settle for cheap wine because anything you try to fill in that place of ultimate joy will eventually let you down. Jesus says let me show you what I am capable of. I am the source of pure joy. In the book of Revelation there is the never-ending party where Jesus is the groom, and we the church are the bride, the groom who provides for everything and you cannot get to eternal life without the groom providing for you; he will take away all our shame and give us joy.
Maybe you, like me, are going to be celebrating a wedding this year. I’m going to try to remember this wedding in Cana and that Jesus is the source of eternal joy as I celebrate with family and friends.
Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay
Catherin Tidmarsh, 13/03/2024