The truth that sets you free
an antidote to fear

If you read my previous blog in November last year, I touched on a topic of how busy we all are and how rushing about harms our relationships, health, sense of purpose and spirituality.
I want to extend this theme today with a look at how the fear and stress generated by our culture, news and media add to this burden and how God’s truth is the only real antidote to this. I will continue this topic further in my next blog about how we each need to strive to become a non-anxious presence in our communities and families.
I will start with a controversial statement. I believe that most of what we think is true probably isn’t.
We live in a world today where our opinions on many things are formed by carefully curated narratives generated by invested interests who do not always have our well-being in mind.
Fear is an amazingly powerful motivator and whether you are a company selling a product, a government actor pushing a policy or someone with an agenda trying to influence public opinion, fear can help to get the job done.
From large macro issues surrounding geo politics and the many areas of conflict around the world, to more personal issues like diet, health and relationships, there are no lack of people with points of view ready to step in and give you an opinion on how you should think or act. We rarely know what is actually going on and as we are busy we don’t have the time to find out.
All of this can be very stressful and most people I know share their concerns about the state of the world, the direction of travel of our society and their fears for the future.
I was reminded recently by a prompting in my spirit that I must have faith in the promises of God and that his word is true.
In Paul’s second letter to Timothy, he writes “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
The Sprit of the one who has created all things resides in us. It is a spirit of power and of love. There is nothing to fear! What we see, hear and read may or may not be true, but God’s truth trumps all.
It is a challenge to us where we put our faith. Science? Politics? Journalism? Or with God, who has promised he had a plan before the world was made.
When we look to the world and see wickedness in our leaders and society, I am reminded that in Psalm 33 we read “The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect” and later “No king [is] saved by the multitude of an army; a mighty man is not delivered by great strength.” A call not to worry or fear if I ever heard one.
I pray Lord God, deliver us from fear and remind us daily of your promises to us. You are an awesome God with a plan for each of our lives, our nations and for this world you created. We trust you and pray your plans and purposes are made manifest. Amen
Sean Morris, 04/03/2024