The Life-Light

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it
(John 1:5)
Darkness - the partial or total absence of light.
Once, we walked in darkness.
Tripping, fumbling, falling,
stumbling through our days.
Living in a land of deep darkness.
Where is the hope?
Where is the purpose?
Where is the light switch?
Then came The light.
The Life-Light.
Blazing out of the darkness.
Like a Catherine wheel whizzing and whirling,
spreading its exuberant light, fizzing excitedly!
The darkness couldn’t put it out.
How could it? Just look at it!
A light that no depth of darkness can ever overcome!
He’s here!
Love incarnate. Love divine.
The light of the world has come at last.
A new dawn.
Emmanuel - God with us …
No fanfare to announce His arrival?
No crib for His bed?
No - The King of Kings
lays in a manger's throne!
Silently as falling snow He came,
a bundle of pure joy …
Held in the arms of a teenager.
2000 years ago,
Jesus left behind all the glories of heaven,
and stepped down into our world.
Into our mess.
And the Light of His glorious gospel,
has shone down through the ages ever since.
And is still the power of God for our salvation.
Shine in our hearts this Christmas season
as we look to You - Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith.
Meet our deepest needs I pray,
dispel our inner darkness.
Be the light that shines in us,
reaching out to those around us,
to those who need Your light
so desperately!
Be The Life-Light
that Blazed out of the darkness
in our hearts once more.
Image by Paco Silva from Pixabay
Kate Thornton, 20/12/2023