Prepare the Way of the Lord!

Prepare the Way of the Lord!
(John the Baptist, in Matthew 3:3)
We have just entered the season of Advent, with its traditional meditational themes of Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell. Our mental preparedness includes expectation with alertness and watchfulness.
The first Sunday of Advent starts with an apocalyptic theme, preparing us for the Second Coming. We turn to the Prophets, and to John the Baptist, to understand what it was like to wait for the Messiah. This helps us to understand the patience, faith and perseverance of our spiritual forebears, waiting for their Messiah. We too wait for him, present with us through the Holy Spirit.
John the Baptist is prominent during Advent, especially on the second and third Sundays. Jesus called John the greatest of the prophets. He was the culmination of the prophetic ministry of Israel, the prophet who pointed to Jesus, saying, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” He personifies all the longing of Israel for the Messiah. He points to the fulfilment of the sacrificial system. He bridges us from the old covenant to the new, moving aside for Jesus the Messiah.
The final Sunday of Advent transitions us to Christmas. The annunciation of Mary precedes the Incarnation. All the prophecies are fulfilled in the birth of Jesus. The Song of Mary, or Magnificat, summates the joy and mystery of God made flesh, through an obedient, humble woman.
Advent prepares us for the unique miracle and beauty of the Christian message: God wants to make his home with us ‘in all the changing scenes of life, in trouble and in joy.’
An Advent Prayer - Our loving heavenly Father, be with us as we prepare for Christmas. Help us to meditate on the key themes of Advent culminating in the celebration of the birth of Jesus, our Saviour. Amen.
Hugh Dunlop, 04/12/2023