Experiencing the Bible

For the word of God is alive and active
(Hebrews 4:12)
As I said in my previous blog, the Bible is so much more than just a book, and you can do so much more than just read it. I sometimes think the Gospel writers were in a bit of a rush to get down what had happened, because they race through the action at a pace. Sometimes it’s good to slow down and try to experience the action, rather than simply read the words on the page. Let me show you what I mean …
In Matthew 14:13-21 Jesus miraculously feeds over 5,000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. Imagine you’re a woman in the crowd, what might you be experiencing?
“It’s quite exciting being allowed to listen to a teacher, normally only the men get to hear the really good stuff. The words the man Jesus speaks are wonderful, he’s different somehow. There’s a kindness about him. But it’s been hard work, trying to keep the kids from getting lost amongst the crowds. And the snack envy … Our snacks ran out ages ago, and the kids are getting really quite grumpy now. Even the big family next to us have run out now. Do we leave and try to find food? It’s getting late, nearly dark, I certainly don’t want to go anywhere on my own. Wait, what’s this? Bread and fish? There’s loads of it! Where did it come from? The people in the group next to us say that Jesus broke the bread and somehow there is enough for everyone! I missed that bit, the baby was crying. It tastes amazing. I was so hungry and this bread is so delicious. I wish my bread tasted like that, it always ends up flatter somehow. Is this man a baker as well as healer? Maybe his mum is good at baking. The kids are really enjoying this, they want to stay with the bread man. Who is this man?! I’d heard he was special and had managed to heal people, that’s why I wanted to come and see him. My friend said something about the Messiah. But that bread, where did it come from?! There’s nowhere near by, and we saw him arrive, he didn’t have some secret stash hidden somewhere, and we’ve been here so long all the food was definitely gone ... I can’t believe what has just happened! I think he’s leaving now. I wonder if I’ll get to see him again. I really hope I will.”
We can’t know exactly what it would have been like, but in the wondering and imagining we can draw ourselves into the story and closer to the person they met: Jesus.
If you want to have a go at this yourself, choose a character in the story and here are some questions to help experience the action:
What can you see, hear and smell?
What time of day is it?
Who are you with?
What brought you to this place?
What are you feeling?
What questions do you have?
Who do you think Jesus is?
Here are some Bible passages that might be good to experience:
Jesus talks with a Samaritan woman [John 4:1-42]
Jesus turns water into wine [John 2:1-11]
Jesus calls the first disciples [Luke 5:1-11]
A prayer - Lord Jesus, as we read about who You are, help us to enter into the story, so that we might get to know You better. Amen.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Louise McFerran, 15/11/2023