Belong, believe, be love

Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him,
‘Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.’
So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.
Luke 19:5-6 (NIVUK)
I have often wondered about the sequence of how people are welcomed into the family of God. Is there a set pattern, a list of things that need to happen in order for a person to become a Christian?
Many people may have ideas around this, but I don’t know. I have, however, noticed a loose pattern in how Jesus did his ministry. An example of this is Jesus’ interaction with Zacchaeus. Please read the whole story and let me know what you think.
Jesus made people around him feel like they were at home. He welcomed everyone: children, the sick, the poor, the needy, the rich, the learned, the beggar, the sinner, the faithful follower, etc.
Jesus made Zacchaeus feel at home in his own home! Jesus not only invited himself to lunch, but made sure that Zacchaeus knew it was okay. What started as curiosity ended in Zacchaeus feeling welcomed in the presence of Jesus Christ when other people would not have let that fly.
Somehow, we don’t quite know how (or maybe we do …) this interaction with Jesus opened Zacchaeus’ eyes and heart to his shortcomings. Zacchaeus somehow knew that he had to change, because of Jesus’ presence at his table. Being in the presence of Christ is often like a mirror, a mirror we often choose to ignore. When we see ourselves in the light of Christ’s glory, we notice our own shortcomings and imperfections. It can be very uncomfortable. But Jesus not only shows us who we really are, but forgives us and helps us to do and be better.
Be love
The outcome of Christ helping us belong in his presence, helping us see our shortcomings, and believe in his salvation, is that we are not only saved, but changed as well. Changed in a way that what happened internally will be reflected in our lives. For Zacchaeus this meant looking after the poor, mending broken relationships and righting past wrongs.
How is Christ making you feel welcome in his presence today? Are you accepting his invitation to lunch? Are you willing to see yourself in the light of God’s glory, and receive the forgiveness he freely offers? How are you allowing your time with Christ to be reflected in what you do?
A prayer - Lord Jesus, you have welcomed me into your family to receive your love and to show your love to others. Help me take the time to sit and eat with you, to acknowledge my sins, to accept your forgiveness and to extend your welcome to those around me. Amen.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
Nico Marais, 04/10/2023