Giving to gain

the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many
(Mark 10:45)
What a wonderful time we had at our Holiday Club at the end of the school summer break! The whole church building was buzzing with excitement, and it was really encouraging to see so many children having fun together and learning about Jesus.
Those of us who took part as leaders and helpers have been encouraged to give our feedback on how we felt things went, as the very first stage of planning for Holiday Club 2024!! As I put my own thoughts together, I found myself reflecting more broadly on what it means to serve. And I realise that quite often I approach serving in terms of what I’ll lose rather than what I’ll gain.
Serving obviously means giving up time. It means actively choosing to do one thing possibly at the expense of another. With Holiday Club it meant being at church at 8.30am four days in a row, and for some earlier still, which is a huge challenge for many! And I also realise how my fears and anxieties can easily get in the way. Do I have the gifts and skills I need for the role? Have I got the physical energy to cope? How will I get on with those I’m working alongside?
Yet how many times have I heard people say, both within and beyond church, that in giving out to others they’ve gained so much more themselves. And that was true at Holiday Club, both for me and for many others. It was a very natural opportunity to strengthen friendships and build new ones, and a chance to learn from how others serve and use their gifts. It was a huge joy to see some of our teenagers leading and helping with such enthusiasm and grace. It was really encouraging to experience a sense of unity and community through serving alongside others, sharing in a clear and common purpose. And so much more …
Above all, it was a privilege to see God at work in us, through us and around us in so many ways. I also discovered that spending time leading a group of seven year olds isn’t as scary as I thought it would be (there were actually some very special moments and significant conversations along the way) and that ending up in a gunge tank is a survivable experience that hasn’t scarred me for life!
So do you serve reluctantly, or try to avoid it altogether? Do you immediately think of 101 reasons to hold back? Or can you look beyond this to what God could do in and through you if only you were prepared to step forward? As we start a new term at church, how about asking God to show you new ways in which you can be the hands and feet of Jesus, both within and beyond the walls of our church?
If you weren’t part of Holiday Club this year, I’m afraid you missed out. But you can put that right next year!
Prayer - Thank you, Lord, that this year’s Holiday Club was such a blessing in the lives of both the children who took part and those who led and helped. Please give me more of a heart to serve and the courage to step forward when I sense your call on my life. Amen
Keith Nurse, 18/09/2023