Reliable information

In planning our recent move from Richmond to Salisbury, arrangements were made for the installation of an internet connection. It was not only to be a fast fibre optic connection but a super-fast facility(!) and was promised to be working by 1pm on the day after the move.
An engineer arrived early, but soon paused, puzzled as he could not locate a necessary junction box clearly indicated on his plan and necessary to link us to the network. It wasn’t there. This led to a series of visits and promises and a partial installation, which has left us with a box with lights that wink and expected assistance from an engineer in India … but so far nothing works. A further, hopefully final, visit has been promised in 10 days’ time, some six weeks late.
This has been inevitably frustrating, as having just moved there are many orders and arrangements to be made, and all this angst caused from an inaccurate plan.
Reliable information matters.
In life we are constantly bombarded with information and opinions, much of which proves to be unreliable or incorrect. I recall the time when, upset due to being misquoted in a magazine article, a Jewish friend comforted me with the advice that when buying a newspaper, there are only two pieces of information that can be relied on - its recorded date and price!
The bible is a reliable source for teaching us principles to guide us through life’s challenges. In Psalm 119 we are reminded that God’s word
is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path
and so provides us with a reliable reference point from which we can walk through life with confidence and hope. Regular careful reading and its study is a good investment!
Photo by Alabaster Co on Unsplash
Robert Lucas, 13/09/2023