The Restoration Station

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!
(2 Corinthians 5:17)
Last week, it was my absolute privilege to join the bubbling brigade of volunteers at Holy Trinity Church’s Holiday Club - The Restoration Station!
The Restoration Station, I discovered, was our first kids summer holiday club to take place at HTR for over 20 years. The week flew past in a cacophony of dance, music, drama, arts, crafts and games, and no one will forget the delicious ‘restoration buns’ as they became affectionately known by all grateful recipients. Oh, and of course - there was gunge! Lots and lots of gunge.
More importantly however, amidst all the fun and laughter, through each activity, the children embarked on a voyage of discovery, all about a man called Jesus. They discovered that Jesus was a carpenter, and was very good at restoring all things broken, and making them as good as new. But not just things - they heard lots of stories about Jesus restoring people too! It truly was a delight to see so many children hearing and receiving the good news of Jesus, and I trust and pray that the seeds sown throughout the week have taken root and will continue to grow and develop as they do.
During one activity with the children, we learnt that the bible refers to us as ‘jars of clay’, and that within these frail vessels, we possess a ‘precious treasure’, which is the light of Jesus in us (2 Corinthians 4:7).
Sometimes it's tempting to focus on the pot, all those cracks and imperfections, mistakes and failures in our lives. What beauty could come from such a broken mess? But, if you allow him to, Jesus takes our mess, and transforms it into something beautiful. He takes the shattered pieces of our lives and turns them into a mosaic masterpiece, both beautiful and unique. And Jesus stands and knocks at the doors of our hearts, waiting to do that transforming, restorative work in us. With gentleness and compassion, He turns our mess into our message - our testimony of what a faithful restorative God we have.
The Restoration Station was in essence a kids club. A place for entertainment, fun and games. But as the week progressed, I realised it was so much more than this. It was in truth a place for all involved, young and old alike, to discover afresh, the one who came to restore all our wounds, inside and out, our deepest hurts and disappointments. The One whom we can trust with it all. Everything that is broken in our lives, the only one who can restore - Jesus.
‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!’ 2 Corinthians 5:17 speaks to us that today, as new creations in Christ, we do not have to allow the old things that have gone before in our lives to affect our new lives today in Christ. We are a new creature - the old has gone, the new has come, fully restored in Him. I pray that you may receive a fresh revelation of this truth today. Amen!
Kate Thornton, 04/09/2023