More precious than rubies

I’ve often thought I’d like to write a blog. There’s always some thought or other going through my head, stuff that normally longs for a chance of expression. I’m not usually short of something to say; ask my family!
But with the opportunity to contribute to the wonderful HTR blogs, my heart and mind are empty and blank. There’s just nothing there. No treasure, old or new, waiting to be dug up. No thought rising up and clamouring to be heard. No spark of inspiration to fire my pen. I really have nothing to say!
How do you do it then? How do you, the wonderful HTR regular bloggers, get your thoughts flying upwards and out? Not just for one blog, but for two each time?
But there is a faint stir - something in the book of James I heard preached on recently at the Sunday evening Services. A word about the wisdom that’s from above - pure, peaceable, merciful, sincere, so fruitful in righteousness (James 3:17,18). I remember thinking, “not the definition of wisdom that I expected. Surely wisdom makes me clever and well thought of, admired and superior to others.” How the Word truly convicts me.
But no, it seems wisdom from heaven is different. It’s considerate, submissive, full of mercy, open to all. James 1:5 tells us “If wisdom is needed, ask for it and God will give it, freely and generously, without finding fault.” He offers us wisdom in our trials, helping us to persevere through to that moment when we “Receive the Crown of Life that God has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12)
Proverbs 2:6 says “For The Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.” So wisdom comes with knowledge and understanding too. King Solomon had it in abundance. Job sought for it in all his sufferings and trials (Job 12:13). He knew wisdom and understanding were there to help him get through.
We can ask for it too. James calls us to persevere, to even count trials as pure joy because they help us become mature and complete. Help from above is available! (James 1:2-5). “Wisdom comes from above - a gift more precious than rubies“ (Proverbs 8:11)
Hundreds of years before Jesus came into our world, Isaiah 11 proclaimed that a shoot would come up, out of the stump of Jesse (King David’s father), and that from his roots a Branch would bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord in all its fullness would rest on this Branch - wisdom itself, along with understanding, counsel, power, knowledge and fear of the Lord. The Branch is the promised Messiah, Jesus our Lord and Saviour, the One who loves us and gave Himself for us, who promises to never leave us, and to one day return for us. He is the source and supply of Heavenly Wisdom. “If any of you lacks wisdom he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault” (James 1:5)
What better place to finish this, my first ever blog. On to the next …
Dorothy Stride, 31/07/2023