All the time … God is good

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness
(Lamentations 3:22,23)
If you ask Dan, he will tell you that I am a planner. I like to know what is happening when and what I need to do to make sure that all goes to my (in my head) agreed schedule. Unfortunately, as you will all be aware, life isn’t like that.
I wonder if you feel that God is good all the time? Or do you sometimes feel that God has abandoned you? That if there was a God, then surely he wouldn’t put you in that situation or allow war or famine or …
It can be a hard thing to understand, but it is true. All through the Bible, we see difficult and complex situations, but we also see God’s love and compassion. One of the things I like about the Psalms is that they show us how we can bring all our thoughts, our praise, joy, anger and hurt to God. And believe me, I have ‘talked’ to God a lot about why situations change. There is nothing that we can’t share with God and he will be there for us, every day, every morning and ever faithful.
What do you need to tell God about today? He is ready and eager to listen.
Prayer - Thank you God that we can praise and worship you, that we can tell you all that is on our heart. When we call out you listen, when we cry out in pain, you walk with us. Help us to know your great faithfulness today. Amen.
Louise Wells, 19/07/2023