The enough!

I am God Almighty (El Shaddai)
(Genesis 17:1)
When you meet someone for the first time, how do you introduce yourself? When I do, the conversation often goes something like this … ”Hi, I’m Kate!” I might go on to add a bit more context and say “James’ wife” or “Ollie’s mum” and so on.
Throughout scripture, God uses many different names to introduce Himself to us, and through each of these names God reveals to us more of who He is. Each name in its turn serves to describe a different aspect of His character, and embodies our relationship with Him.
In Genesis chapter 17 verse 1, God introduces Himself for the first time as ‘I am God Almighty,’ which in its Hebrew term translates as ‘El Shaddai,’ which means ‘God - the Enough!’ That is quite an introduction! Our God - ‘The Enough!’
I love the concept underlying this statement, because it speaks directly to our hearts the truth that there is simply no situation that we may ever find ourselves in where God will not be enough.
But the deeper truth we discover is, in fact, so much more wonderful than this. Because our God is not only enough, He is more than enough. He is not the God of almost enough or just enough but the God of more than enough.
His resources time and time again will infinitely exceed all our requirements. He is the God ‘… who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine ...’ (Ephesians 3:20). He is the God ”… who makes a way through the sea and a path through the mighty waters" (Isaiah 43:15,16). He is the God who miraculously feeds a crowd of five thousand from only five loaves and two fishes until they are full! With twelve baskets of leftovers!
And most importantly of all, He is the God who loved us so much that “... he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Here, at the very heart of the gospel, we are shown the ultimate heart of the Father’s love for us. A God who has, and a God who is, willing to give us more than enough.
So let me ask you this question: Is God sufficient in your life? Is God enough? Perhaps you are facing, or have at some point faced, troubles that leave you feeling that maybe He isn’t. When these moments hit us, where can we lay our trust? And in these moments can we believe that He and He alone is sufficient?
I can say to you with all my heart that He is. Only He can truly satisfy our souls and meet our every need. So can I encourage you today to stand firm on the foundations of the promise of His word, and to hold fast to the depths of His steadfast love. El Shaddai, the God of Enough.
Let’s pray - Heavenly Father, thank you that You always have been and always will be more than enough. Please make this truth come alive for me today deep in my heart, and fill me with Your abundant love once more. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Kate Thornton, 21/06/2023