
O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together
(Psalm 34:3)
The diameter of a two pence piece is just over 25mm and weighs a mere 7 grams. That’s not very big, is it? Yet if you were to hold it up to your eye it would seem so much bigger. So much bigger, in fact, that you couldn’t see anything else at all. Your vision would be completely blocked and even if you were to hold your hand in front of your face you would be unable to see it.
Sometimes in life our problems can seem a bit like this. We magnify them and focus on them to the point where they seem so huge that we can see no way through them to the other side. Yet like that two pence piece, if we were to lay them down we would see that actually they are very small! Tiny! Miniscule! That is in comparison to the greatness and magnitude of our mighty God.
The word magnify means ‘to enlarge.’ In Psalm 34 we are offered an invitation by David to ‘magnify the Lord’ together and to ‘exalt His name.’ A simple, yet powerful, invitation to magnify and worship God, declaring him bigger than any problem or need that we may be facing in our lives. And seeing Him as He truly is, the ‘high and exalted’ (Isaiah 6:1) God.
When we magnify the Lord in worship, we hold to the truth that He is the God who is seated on a throne that is situated far, far above the boundaries of space and time. But, we also hold to the truth that He is the God who dwells within us. He cares about every detail of our lives, knows our every thought. He is the one who knows us best and yet He is the one who loves us most. There is no problem so big that He cannot reach us, and as we magnify Him we allow our souls to cling to Him and for His right hand to uphold us (Psalm 63:8).
‘O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.’ A simple invitation to make Him larger than anything else in our lives. Through worship and praise, through declaring His goodness, His greatness and declaring that He is greater than any need or problem in our lives.
Let’s pray - Lord, forgive me if I have lost sight of Your majesty, Your greatness and the goodness of Your love. Help me to see You as You truly are, the high and exalted one who is King over all. In Jesus name, Amen.
Photo by Richard on Unsplash
Kate Thornton, 19/06/2023