Looking forward

This past Sunday’s APCM was also a time to look forward. New Churchwardens, new members of the Church Council, Deanery Synod, etc have been elected (do pray for them; it is important work and they need our prayers).
How are you feeling about the next year? For me, I am mostly excited, with a hint of nervousness. What excites me is that we have new staff members starting and plans are in place for new and continued ventures - Focus, Summer Holiday Club and more. I am nervous as there is always so much to do (don’t we all often feel like that?) and we will be moving house again over the summer. But again I am reminded of stories from the Old Testament. The rebuilding of the Temple - so many amazing plans put in place, but David wasn’t the person to build it, Solomon was. God has a plan for all of us. Sometimes it isn’t what we are expecting; sometimes we may start something, only for someone else to complete it. Sometimes we have to try things that are outside our comfort zone. The important thing is that our TO-DO list is God’s TO-DO list for us.
My question to you is this. As you think about the next year, are you willing to let God lead? Is there something that God has been nudging you to do and you keep putting it off?
Prayer - Heavenly Father, thank you that you have made us in your image. Thank you that you have given all of us unique gifts. Help us to use the gifts that you have given us for your glory. Lord, I ask that we would always be open to the Holy Spirit’s prompting, that when you ask us to do something new, we would be willing to explore that with a trusted friend. Amen
Louise Wells, 17/05/2023