Looking back

On Sunday we had our APCM - the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. In this meeting we take the opportunity to look back over the last year, and look forward to the next year as well. If you haven’t had the opportunity yet, do take some time to read through the Book of Reports; it highlights the many amazing ministries that happen at HTR. As you read it, maybe take a moment to thank God for the work at HTR.
Taking the opportunity to look back over the last year, I wonder how you feel? For me it is mixed emotions; this time last year we weren’t able to attend the APCM as Dan was unwell. It was an incredibly hard time, not knowing what would happen and what the future held. Fast forward a few months and Dan started to heal. God answered a prayer for more staff in bringing Ese, Matt and Eils to HTR, and what a blessing that has been. I see the way that we have once again been able to really open our doors to the community following lockdown, the Community Choir, Alpha, Glow, to name but a few.
As I look back I am reminded of some of the people in stories from the Old Testament and wonder if they has similar doubts to me. When the Israelites were being chased by Pharaoh and got stuck by the sea, did they feel that God had abandoned them? But then, the sea parted and there was a new freedom - what an answer to prayer that was (see Exodus 14). Or when they had to rely on God for their daily bread and wandered around the desert, knowing the promised land was near, oh but the waiting (see Exodus 16:1-8 and Joshua 1:1-7). Looking back we can see God kept his promises.
So my question to you is this. As you look back over the year, what highs and lows have you had and how have you seen God working in these situations?
Prayer - Heavenly Father, thank you that you are a faithful God. Thank you that you walk with us through all seasons of life, the highs and the lows. Thank you that you are always at work even when we don’t see or understand the journey. Please be with us all today, whatever we are going through. May we know your presence and trust in your plans for us. Amen
Louise Wells, 15/05/2023