God save the King!

We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19)
I’m sure many of us watched the Coronation of King Charles III on Saturday, an historic moment, and one that is steeped not only in tradition and pageantry, but also in faith. The readings, hymns, prayers and Holy Communion all pointed to the King of Kings, Jesus, that King Charles will serve as he serves the people of the UK.
In the Coronation Service the King was presented with many symbolic items, and if you want to know the significance of them, and the significance of the words in the Service, there is a version of the Service that comes complete with a very interesting commentary here.
I love this description about the ring - “The symbolic significance of the Sovereign’s Ring is comparable to that of rings exchanged in marriage or papal, archiepiscopal or episcopal rings: they are all a symbol of promise and commitment. They signify covenant and agreement, an unbroken bond, without end. It ‘marries’ The King to God in duty, and to the People in loving service. In turn, it acts to assure His Majesty of God’s unfailing love.” What a wonderful symbol.
But what I love about all the various things that were presented to the King is that it wasn’t the ring, the swords, the golden orb or the crown that the King was given first. It was the Bible, with these spoken words:
“receive this Book,
the most valuable thing that this world affords.
Here is Wisdom;
This is the royal Law;
These are the lively Oracles of God.”
The Bible: more valuable than the dazzling, jewelled, golden regalia! And it seems fitting that it was given before anything else happens. In 1 John 4:19 it says, “We love because he first loved us”, and I can think of no better way for the King to embark on this challenging journey of service than with the truth and Wisdom that is found in the Bible. The Bible tells us of the unfailing, committed, everlasting and sacrificial love of God, and it is that love which enables us to love and serve others.
Now most of us don’t embark on new challenges with a big Service like King Charles, but I’m sure it would help us when we do take on a challenge to take a moment to pause and present ourselves with the most valuable thing that this world affords first, because it points to our God who loved us first.
Blessed are you, Lord Jesus,
for as you were sent by the Father, so you send us.
Equip Charles our King and all your people
with the gifts to fulfil our calling,
that we may love as you loved,
serve as you served,
and willingly follow wherever you lead.
Blessed be God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Blessed be God for ever.
Louise McFerran, 08/05/2023