Coordinator God

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens (Ecclesiastes 3.1)
So often we are waiting for something - a solution to be found, a breakthrough to occur, a dream fulfilled - yet whilst waiting we can so easily miss what is happening right now and so fail to live in the present. We may feel that we are in a wilderness and so cry to God to hurry up - but we need to remember that the wilderness is a place of preparation. As Alwyn Webb, our late HTR curate often commented
‘God is never in a hurry, but He is never late.’
He cocoons us into the present, so enabling us to focus on today and so to use it to its best advantage, then later move on to face the challenges of tomorrow.
Abram recognised God as the ultimate coordinator. He lived in a culture where the sun, moon, and planets were worshipped, as they clearly contributed to man’s happiness and survival. Josephus records that Abram recognised that if these bodies had power of their own, they would follow their own cycles and motions, but as this is not the case and each is timed to cooperate and respond to each other, he therefore concluded that they must be subservient to a higher controlling power, an all-powerful God to whom all had to pay honour and to whom thanksgiving should be given.
This God coordinates not only the movement of planets, tides and seasons in nature but also perfectly plans the events in our own lives and community. Joseph, reflecting on his enslavement to Egypt, said to his brothers, ‘you sold me, but God sent me.’
It’s easy to become impatient waiting for God's next move in our lives or circumstances, wondering whether He has forgotten us, but His gift to us is today, to live in it, to enjoy and make the most of it, safe in the knowledge that He has tomorrow well organised.
Prayer - Loving Father, help me to pace myself to your plan for me today. If I am to act, give me courage and sensitivity, if I am to prepare, give me diligence, if I am to wait, give me patience.
Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash
Robert Lucas, 17/04/2023