I don't have a good idea… part 1

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3 v 5-6)
Over the last weeks, I have been very aware that the deadline for writing this week’s blogs is looming. I have prayed, contemplated and pondered what to write… nothing. Nothing came to mind. This past week, I have been feeling a bit desperate. What should I write? Lord answer me, heellllppp!
At breakfast this week when Dan asked me how it was going, I replied, “I have nothing”, he replied - “write about that”
It got me thinking, how often have I prayed and waited, looking for a clear answer to a question or situation? How often have I made an unwise decision because I wanted the answer now? As hard as it may be, God does at times call us to wait, even in difficult times and times of struggle. As I sit and write this now, I am reminded that God is faithful, he hears my prayers and will, in his time, answer them.
I know it isn’t easy and I can’t begin to understand why we sometimes have to wait. So as I finish today, know that I am praying for all you, as you wait, some of you in challenging situations for God to answer.
Heavenly Father, I praise you that you are a faithful, compassionate God. You rejoice as you hear our prayers. We know that your love is beyond comprehension. Please be with us and give us comfort in the times when we wait to hear your answer. Give us the faith that we need each day to keep trusting in you to answer our prayers. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Louise Wells, 27/02/2023