New Year Resolutions? - Take 2

A quick internet search tells us that an average of 44% of Americans make a New Year's resolution. The four most popular types of goals set are to exercise, eat well, lose weight, and save money. Apparently a whopping 81% fail by February and some studies show that only 8% of people stick to their resolution for the whole year (I am always in the 92% ...).
Resolution is an uncompromising word. One definition is “to make a firm decision.” But if it’s such a firm decision, how is it that such a small number of us manage to keep our resolve for the whole year? Perhaps it’s an indication of our human weakness versus the strength of the temptations that surround us?
Instead of setting ourselves up for potential failure, maybe a kinder approach would be to think of a “reset” rather than a “resolution”. A reset suggests adjusting the thermostat on our habits rather than switching them completely on or off. Changing by degrees over time may be more achievable than making a huge shift in one go.
If you’ve read my previous blog, you’ll have seen that I feel drawn to Micah’s guidance for my 2023 “reset”:
What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)
The biblical accounts of Jesus’ words and actions are full of justice and kindness. Jesus spent time with those who were shunned by society - the lepers, the tax collectors, the blind. He showed kindness to the hungry 5,000, the woman who dared to touch his robe in order to be healed, to Jairus whose daughter had died, to Peter who denied knowing him and so many other examples.
But what do I need to do to walk humbly with God?
I found some practical advice here . This list is the short version but do follow the link if you’d like to know more.
Thank God often and always
Confess your sins regularly
Be ready to accept humiliations
Don't worry about status
Have a sense of humour
Listen to others
Ask questions
Consider others before yourself
So, to try to follow this will be my reset for 2023. I wish you all the very best with yours …
Prayer - Heavenly Father, thank you for your kindness towards us. Thank you that you suffered for us so that we can share in your righteousness. Help us to strive to be closer to you in whatever we do this year. Amen
Photo by Koushik Chowdavarapu on Unsplash
Penny Cox, 04/01/2023