Sometimes going to church is a pain

I think I understand why people don’t like going to church, but still do. Most of the time it’s a bit of a challenge getting ready and travelling to church on a Sunday morning. At other times it is a downright, real pain. However, in my experience, it is great once I get there, more often than not. Maybe you can relate to this too.
Having been a ‘punter’ for the last couple of months (ie. not being paid to be at church anymore), I think I have gained a better understanding of why this is so. I think it is because church is something of a mirror for our deepest (and more superficial) being. What I mean is this - at church we see a truer, more honest reflection of ourselves, of who we truly are, than what we may see in our own mind’s reflection. That truer reflection (which we are somehow able to discern as more honest) often shows a dirtier/uglier version of ourselves than we would have liked. That, in itself, is understandable. We gather in the name and presence of a holy God in whom there is no sin and corruption. Anyone (and everyone) falls short of the glory of God, and at church we are reminded of the fact, even if we choose to ignore it outside of church.
Church, therefore, would be a sad place to go and torture yourself willingly every Sunday. Why would anyone want to put themselves through that type of agony week after week? I get why people would stay away.
But, as with most things in God’s kingdom, that is not the whole story. That is only the end of the beginning (to use the famous words of Winston Churchill out of context). Church is not only where we are reminded of how bad we are. Or at least church shouldn’t be only that. Unfortunately I have experienced churches where this is the main doctrine or philosophy - People are bad. Full-stop.
But church is (or should be) also where we are reminded that we are forgiven, new creations who are deeply and utterly loved. That is the Good News (the Gospel) that Jesus told his disciples (and you and I) to share with the world! And that is, probably, the biggest thing that draws me back every week. I fall short of God’s glory very often and coming to church reminds me of that. But church is also where I am reminded that my sin has been forgiven and that, because of this, I am better than the person looking back at me in the mirror of God’s holiness. And that allows me to love the people outside of the church just as Christ loves me. That’s the real reason I keep coming back.
Oh, and the coffee is good too.
Prayer - Father, thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you that, at church, I can be reminded not only of my shortcomings, but also of your great mercy and love. May my life reflect your character more clearly as I live my life outside of the church walls. Amen
Photo by Andrew Seaman on Unsplash
Nico Marais, 16/11/2022