Seeking and Discovering...part 1

‘After three days they found Him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions’ Luke 2:46
I recently began a ‘Beginning Theology’ evening course because I have lots of questions and I want to learn more about the Bible. I thought it was going to lead me to master the Bible and finally get some answers to the tricky bits. Well, four weeks in and my goals and motivations are rapidly changing.
I straight away discovered that doing this course was going to create more questions than answers! I realised that even the most knowledgeable Bible scholars have differing opinions and interpretations on parts of scripture. If I thought I was going to walk away from a two-year evening course with definitive answers and masterful knowledge of the Bible, I couldn't have been more wrong. I feel like I have expectantly unlocked a door to discover there is a lifetime of discovery beyond!
However, all is not lost. I am learning much from the Holy Spirit, our excellent teacher, and growing in my relationship with God The Father and The Son. Not because my knowledge of the Bible is increasing, but because my awe and wonder are increasing. I’ve realised that I shouldn’t be put off reading the Bible even though there are lots of parts I don’t understand. What’s more important is that I open it, regularly, and believe that whatever assumptions and misconceptions I bring to the text, the Holy Spirit can help me overcome them and reveal the mysteries contained within. I’ve come to appreciate that the Bible was not written for us to pick up and read in several sittings from cover to cover so we can say, ‘I’ve read that!’ (although my GCSE English teacher used to brag about having done that!) The pressures off, reading and understanding the Bible will be a lifetime goal, not something to finish and complete on my to-do list!
I love the passage in Luke 2: 41 - 52 which tells us of a young Jesus, engrossed in his conversations with the teachers in the temple courts for days. He was modelling a style of teaching and learning to us and demonstrating to all (including his parents) His relationship with His Heavenly Father and how natural it was for him to want to be in His presence. Verse 47 says ‘Everyone who heard Him was amazed at His understanding and His answers.’ Even though we do not understand everything, He does! And He loves us to engage with Him through the scriptures and learn from Him and He wants us to want to have that same relationship with The Father that He had, for us to love being with Him.
I would like to encourage you to keep reading the Bible, to keep seeking and discovering more about God and not to give up on the tricky bits! We will not understand all of it but that’s ok. However we come to the text, the Holy Spirit will teach us, just as Jesus taught those in the temple, and we will draw closer to God.
Let’s pray: Heavenly Father, thank you for your scriptures that reveal the truth and lead us into your presence. Help us to read our Bibles regularly and grow in understanding as we seek and discover more about you. Amen
Liz Morris, 10/10/2022