I have had a glut of cucumbers this year and realise that you can only eat so many and there is not a lot you can do with them apart from salads, tzatziki, pickled cucumber, soothing eye masks and giving them away. I do like cucumber but I’ve run out of ideas, so if you have any ideas do let me know.
The Israelites longed for cucumbers when they were in the desert. They were craving meat, having been eating manner for quite a while.
In Numbers 11 it says The rabble with them began to crave other food, and again the Israelites started wailing and said, “If only we had meat to eat! We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost—also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!”...Moses heard the people of every family wailing at the entrance to their tents. The Lord became exceedingly angry, and Moses was troubled. He asked the Lord, “Why have you brought this trouble on your servant? What have I done to displease you that you put the burden of all these people on me? Where can I get meat for all these people? They keep wailing to me, ‘Give us meat to eat!’ I cannot carry all these people by myself; the burden is too heavy for me. If this is how you are going to treat me, please go ahead and kill me—if I have found favour in your eyes—and do not let me face my own ruin.” The Lord said to Moses: “Bring me seventy of Israel’s elders who are known to you as leaders and officials among the people. Have them come to the tent of meeting, that they may stand there with you. I will come down and speak with you there, and I will take some of the power of the Spirit that is on you and put it on them. They will share the burden of the people with you so that you will not have to carry it alone.”
I love the way God gives Moses the support of the leaders and how Moses has to share some of the power of the Spirit with them. God does this for us too when we are feeling overwhelmed by circumstances. As we cry to him for help, he sends people alongside us to share our burdens and help us through difficult times. So don’t hesitate to cry out to God for help.
Psalm 116:1-2 (NIV) says:
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.
Prayer. I call to you Lord today for …………………..
Catherin Tidmarsh, 05/09/2022