Behind the Words Part 1

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind but now I see
“Amazing Grace” is one of my favourite hymns. Its wonderful words remind us about the forgiveness and redemption that God offers us. But the hymn takes on even more meaning when we think about the person behind the words, John Newton. After converting to Christianity, Newton looked back on his life as a slave trader with disgust, but went on to experience a remarkable journey of Godly transformation, including playing a role in the abolition of slavery. The hymn recounts his personal experience that with God it’s possible to turn around and find new life through His gracious forgiveness. That certainly is Amazing Grace!
It's not just hymns that can be brought to life by thinking about the people behind the words. In the Bible there are stories of many different people, and they often feature in just a few short verses, without much detail to give colour and context to their life and faith. We can’t know for sure what their lives would have been like, or the dynamics of their relationships, but Biblical historians have worked hard to try to piece together what it might have been like. Recently, I’ve been enjoying watching The Chosen: a dramatized series about the life and ministry of Jesus. The producers of The Chosen have decided to crowd source funding so that they can stick closely to the Bible, without being pulled in directions they aren’t comfortable with by financers. I’ve found it so thought provoking: What was it like to travel with Jesus? What was it like to be healed by Him? Or simply to meet Him? How did the Romans and the Pharisees and the followers of Jesus interact? If you’re looking for a new boxset to dig your teeth into, you can find it here:
As I watched it, familiar words of Jesus took on a new resonance. Biblical characters whose names I was so familiar with were brought to life, and as I watched them change through their encounter with Jesus, I found I too was drawing closer to the One who can change me. And unlike other boxsets, we have a chance to be a part of the story, as we get to know the people behind the words.
Lord God, thank you that we can see your changing power at work in others, whether that is hymn writers, people in the Bible, or family and friends. Lord, change us too. Draw close to us and turn us to face you, transform the dark places within us, to be bright shining as the sun. Amen.
Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash
Louise McFerran, 29/08/2022