He who watches over you will not slumber

The last week has been almost dizzying in the pace at which things moved politically. The resignations came in too quickly to keep a count, then the resignation of the Prime Minster himself came, then the talk of new leadership (and who knows what else will have happened between me writing this and you reading it!). The conversation seemed to move so fast, and almost as every hour passed there were a new set of implications to process. What does this mean for us and this country?
When things move this quickly and life feels uncertain and unsteady it’s so reassuring to remember who God is. Recently in Oasis we talked about how memorising Bible verses can be so helpful as they come to mind quickly when we need them most. Psalm 121 feels particularly helpful right now, remembering that,
“He who watches over you will not slumber” (Psalm 121:3)
Though the world seems to change rapidly, even while we sleep, God isn’t sleeping. He is watching and caring and working. But not only this, God’s love and faithfulness endure forever. Things change rapidly in our world, but God doesn’t change, and His love and faithfulness have been, and will always be, our secure foundation.
“For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.” (Psalm 100:5)
What words of Biblical encouragement would be helpful for you to memorise this week?
Photo by Altinay Dinç on Unsplash
Louise McFerran, 11/07/2022