Odd One Out!

But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. Psalm 33:11
The Hans Christian Anderson tale of the Ugly Duckling is a familiar tale to many generations since it was first published in 1843. In the tale, a young duckling has a tough time growing up in its family and community because he looks and acts differently to those around him. It turns out, somehow his egg was mixed up and was hatched in a nest of ducklings, but he was actually from a family of swans!
He was never going to fit in or be the same, however hard he tried. He later finds out that he was destined to be something far more beautiful and majestic. He only discovered this after a long difficult journey of rejection, and when he came across some other swans, like himself, where he was welcomed with open (wings!).
Do you often feel like the odd one out? Do you compare yourself to those around you and wonder why you’re different? It’s human nature to try and fit into this world, and some of us are better at it than others but at what cost?
Jesus offers each of us the invitation to come to Him, just as we are, and discover how we fit in with Him. He sees exactly who we are, sons and daughters of the King, and He knows the unique plan and purpose for each of us. Our time and energy should not be spent on fitting in with the world around us, but on discovering who we are in Christ and following the plans and purposes he has for each of us.
Psalm 33:11 says ‘the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations’. We are part of His eternal plan which does not conform to any short-term phases of this world. We were each created with a purpose, in a time and place with nothing left to chance. Let’s help and encourage each other to find out what that is.
Let’s pray: Heavenly Father thank you for your loving invitation to us to be sons and daughters in your kingdom. Thank you for your complete love and acceptance of us. Help us to seek only to fit in with your plans and purposes for our lives and to help others to do the same. Amen
Liz Morris, 06/06/2022