
The script is written, the scene is set, costumes are on, the actors know their lines, and everyone is in place. The director shouts “action!”
Action is the key word to make a film happen, so much preparation and planning has taken place, but the film would not come into being without that word being shouted again and again to bring about the recording of each and every scene to complete the film from beginning to end.
Our Christian journey is a bit like a film with a story that we are playing our part in and one day we will be able to view it from beginning to end. Our faith in Jesus Christ is the action that spurs us on to keep progressing along our journey. The Holy Spirit is like the director, repeatedly giving us the call to action, again and again.
Throughout the gospels, Jesus rewarded those who stepped out in faith. The paralyzed man who rolled up his mat and walked and the women who touched the edge of Jesus’s cloak were both healed. Jesus marvelled at every act of faith He witnessed, however small, and He never failed to acknowledge each person and give thankful recognition for their faith.
Jesus also reprimanded people for their lack of faith, particularly his close disciples, especially given all the time they spent with Him and the many opportunities they were given to closely follow His example. A reminder to us all, not only to listen to sermons and teachings or to just read and study the word, but to put our faith into action, continually!
Faith is a gift from God, and like the two wise servants in the parable of the bags of gold, let’s invest the faith we have been given so it increases and learn from the servant who made the mistake of hiding his gold and it did not increase. Like the master in the parable, Jesus might one day say to us “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” Matthew 25:21
Let’s pray: Lord, please give us the gift of faith and help us to increase it and not hide it away. Holy Spirit, thank you that you direct our paths and call us to action, help us to hear your call to action today. Amen
Liz Morris, 13/12/2021