Do you Trust Me?

It’s that time of the year again where we begin to decorate our Christmas trees, make our holiday plans, meet with family we probably only see once a year, and eat numerous amounts of food because Tis the season to do so. But it is also the time where we run around aimlessly buying gifts for our loved ones, and wrapping them in hopes that they will actually like it and still have it after a year.
As a child I used to have a list of gifts I wanted, I would hand that list over to my mother and she would decide what ones to buy. Naturally, I would expect her to get me the number 1 item on my list, which at that time was a Nintendo GameCube. Now leading up to Christmas I would be anxiously waiting for the presents to be under the Christmas tree. When they finally were I would analyse the shape of the present, pick it up and try to take a peek at what gift would be under the Christmas paper. It got so bad that over the years my mother would have to cello tape it down 10 times over, just so I couldn’t take a peek. Looking back, I realised that I had to trust my mother. I had to trust that she knew what gift was best for me. I also had to trust that by waiting patiently, and having faith in her judgement, that everything would work out for my good. God is asking us to do the same of Him, He’s asking “Do you trust me?”.
Remember, Christmas is just for a season and for most children it is a season of hope, joy and waiting. It’s where you expect your children to trust that you will get them what they need, and sometimes what they want, if it be to your liking. Well God is the same, in the sense that while you are waiting, he’s expecting you to trust His judgement and that in the right time you get what is necessary according to His will. So just like children at Christmas we are expected to wait with hope, joy and patience, even if we don’t get what we want or expect.
Back to my story, fast forward to Christmas day and I unwrap the last present from my mother and ta dah! It’s a Nintendo GameCube. At the time this is what my mother thought was the best gift for me, as it was a desire of my heart. In retrospect this example reminds me that God gives good gifts. Why? Because he loves you just as a parent loves their child. As Christians we just have to trust that God knows our deepest desires, and when the time and circumstances are right He will not just give you a good gift, but He will do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. So, as we enter the Christmas season I encourage you to remain hopeful, joyful and patient.
Prayer: Thank you Lord that you give good gifts. You know the desires of our heart and you know what is best for us. Help us to trust you no matter what season we are in and to have a child like faith and to remain joyful this season. In Jesus name, Amen.
Chloe Rotter, 24/11/2021