Firmly and Deeply Planted

‘Have the roots of your being firmly and deeply planted in Him’
(Colossians 2:7)AMP
What do you think you are worth? In the world we learn how to tie our worth and value to what we do, maybe our job status, how much money we earn, who we know, what we know, our level of education and on it goes.
Last weekend, my daughter Grace, came home from her Saturday art class with a completed piece of artwork. At the start of the lesson she was set the task of composing a pencil drawing of a tree showing its roots. The results can be seen in the photograph above. I was instantly struck with just how large and how deep the roots went into the earth below.
In Colossians 2:7, Paul uses the analogy of tree roots being ‘firmly and deeply planted’. Like the one in Graces’ picture, we can conceive that trees with roots this deep, do not easily get destroyed by storms, they stand firm in the face of adversity, and are not easily swayed by the howling winds. Paul then goes on to use the phrase ‘in Him’. This small yet powerful phrase is a hugely significant one, and one which Paul returns to again and again throughout the Epistles.
So, what does it mean for us to be ‘firmly and deeply rooted in Him’? In God’s economy, we discover our true worth and value goes so much deeper than what the world says it is. In God’s Kingdom, He wants us to know that our true worth and value is in fact, wrapped up in who we are ‘in Him’. Indeed, our true worth and value is not determined by our job title, how much money we have, who we know, or what gifts we have. Instead our true worth is determined simply by being a child of God.
When we meet someone for the first time we often introduce ourselves by stating who we are, what we do for a living and where we live perhaps. But God simply looks at us and says you are who I say you are. He says that we are ‘His children’, ‘chosen before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight’ and that…’In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our sins’ (Ephesians 1:4-7).
We are purchased with a price. The highest price of all – the precious blood of Jesus. Jesus went to the cross willingly, knowing everything about us, intimately, all our faults and flaws, and in spite of this knowledge, gave His life freely, in our place! In Him, we find everything we need. ‘In Him’ we find our true identity. To be found ‘in Him’ means that when God looks on us, He no longer sees our imperfections and sins. Instead he sees the righteousness of His own Son!
In this knowledge then how should we respond? How can we possibly live in such a way that is worthy of such a selfless act of love? By accepting our utter dependence on the necessity to be found ‘In Him’. By receiving God’s strength and grace, to daily seek to go ever firmer and deeper in the roots of His love. To seek to be ‘continually built up in Him’ and ‘become increasingly more confirmed and established’ in our faith, and to ‘overflow in it with thanksgiving’. (Colossians 2:7)
It takes time for a plant or a tree to grow deep roots! So, let’s give God first place in our hearts, giving Him the time it needs, to continually build ourselves up in this truth, to firmly root ourselves in the love of God, to live a life of obedience to Him, and to learn to love those around us as He has so freely loved us.
Let’s Pray:
Father, may we always be found overflowing with thanksgiving, for the knowledge of all you have done for us. May the roots of our faith be growing ever firmer, and deeper into your love. May we continually seek to be built up in you, being forever changed and transformed into your likeness, better equipped to be a blessing and a witness to those around us. Amen