Beyond Imagination (2)

Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” (John 6:8,9)
In one of our Sunday Services earlier this month Joe Lowther, who leads Kick, gave us an update on their ministry. Kick began largely through the vision of one of our church members, Tom Rutter, to use football to reach out to young people with the hope of the Gospel. Kick launched as a charity in 2003, and since then has blossomed out from Richmond to work with schools and churches in almost all London Boroughs. It now offers a vast range of sports and dance disciplines, mentoring and chaplaincy, and engages well over 12,000 young people every week, with exciting plans to launch nationally this year.
All four of the Gospels tell the story of the feeding of the five thousand. When crowds gathered to hear Jesus and it was getting late in the day, the disciples were concerned that people needed to go in search of food, but Jesus tells the disciples to give them something to eat. They can’t imagine how this can possibly happen, but they follow Jesus’ instruction to organize the people into seated groups.
Jesus takes five loaves and two fish, and miraculously multiplies them so everyone has enough to eat. While the disciples didn’t know what Jesus was planning, their simple act of obedience to what He asks opens the door to Him doing something remarkable.
Often when God speaks, we don’t understand the whys and hows of what He’s saying; we can’t imagine what it’s leading to. But each time we are prepared to do what we sense He is calling us to do, it can be a step along a path where He will do greater things. That’s been the story with Kick, who are having a huge impact on the lives of young people growing up in a complex and challenging world.
Back in 2003 it would have been very difficult, or impossible, to imagine Kick being where they are now. But their consistent pattern of seeking God, listening to Him and doing what He says, step by step, however difficult or unlikely it has seemed, is bringing to life their vision of transforming young people’s lives, with God’s love, through sport and support.
In the same way, God calls us to faithful obedience, step by step. We may not be able to imagine what He’s planning, where He’s leading us or what the destination is, but every time we say yes to what He asks of us, we open up the possibility of him doing greater and greater things in us and through us.
Thank you, Lord, that you have wonderful plans for my life. Teach me to follow you, step by step, in faithful and joyful obedience, and as I do, help me discover more of the fulness of life you promise. Amen
Photo by Jovana Mladenovic on Unsplash
Keith Nurse, 28/07/2021