Where is the Love?

‘Do everything in love.’ 1 Corinthians 16:14
Sometimes short and to the point is the best way to get our attention. This bible verse says, ‘do everything in love’. It has four easy words to understand, it’s easy to remember but it contains a colossal challenge. It’s a challenge that is very hard for us humans to achieve, yet as Christians, we are commanded to love, and equipped through the love of Christ to love each other.
One of the last things Jesus said to His disciples before going to die on the cross in John 13:34 was ‘a new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.’ When you think of the enormity of what Jesus was about to do for all of us when he gave that command, it increases the importance of those words. He really meant them. He wasn’t just telling his disciples to do something, He was about to demonstrate His love. He provided The Way for all of us to achieve lives that demonstrate His love in everything we do. He knew we couldn’t achieve this without His help but through His sacrifice, through His love for us, we can.
Jesus goes on to say in John 13:35 ‘By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.’ Wouldn’t that be great? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone said, ‘ah you’re Christians, I can tell by the way you love one another!’ Sadly, we are more often recognised by the way we judge or disagree with one another! In a world that constantly asks, ‘Where is the love?’, let’s be part of the answer ‘here it is, come and find it for yourself!’.
Let’s pray: Father God, thank you that you sent your Son to die for us. Please help us to receive your love, to demonstrate it in everything we do and to be known for your love and not for how we fall short of it. Amen
Liz Morris, 10/05/2021