Kindness part 1

I came across this beautiful true story recently:
As I walked through the parking lot, all I could think about was the dire diagnosis I had handed my patient Joe: pancreatic cancer. Just then, I noticed an elderly gentleman handing tools to someone working under his stalled car. That someone was Joe. “Joe, what are you doing?” I yelled out. Joe dusted off his pants. “My cancer didn’t tell me not to help others, Doc,” he said, before waving at the old man to start the car. The engine roared to life. The old man thanked Joe and drove off. Then Joe got into his car and took off as well. Take-home message: Kindness has no limits and no restrictions. —Mohammed Basha, Gainesville, Florida.
There are an incalculable amount of stories about people being kind. It is almost as if kindness somehow has a greater impact on people than violence has. Many think that showing kindness is a sign of weakness. I think the opposite is true. Kindness will bring far greater and longlasting change than violence and might ever will.
Alexander Maclaren said this: "Kindness makes a person attractive. If you would win the world, melt it [with kindness], do not hammer it."
No wonder Paul urges the Colossian church to “…clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” (Col. 3:12).
Of course, as Christians, we are only following Christ’s example when we show kindness. For it is God’s very nature to be kind (Luke 6:35-36). Therefore it should be ours.
A prayer:
Lord Jesus, thank you for you kindness towards me. Forgive me for all the opportunities I have had to be kind and chose not to be. Please help me be kind to others. Speak to me, lead me, make me sensitive to your prompts that I will notice where and to whom I can be kind today. In your name. Amen.
Nico Marais, 19/04/2021