Fruit That Will Last

It always amazes me just how quickly weeds can grow! I can spend time planting seeds watering, feeding them and following the instructions on the packet and still they don't live up to the promise of the picture. Sometimes they aren't even what you expect. I remember my mother planting her tomato seeds only to realise that some were petunias, pretty but not so useful.
I spend a lot of time, enjoyable time, picking and processing the fruits and vegetables that I grow so that we can enjoy them throughout the year. In the summer I found some blackcurrants in the bottom of my freezer from 2012! they made surprisingly good jam.
Choosing the right plants is vital and in John 15 verse 16 we read, " You did not choose me, but I chose you" How amazing that that Jesus has chosen us.
Why? "To go and bear fruit- fruit that will last" As we are in this lockdown it's easy to think we are not being very fruitful for Jesus but maybe take a look and see how you have connected differently with family, friends and neighbours, we have been able to support each other in so many ways. Having Zoom or Facetime calls, going for walks or doing shopping for each other, in spite of the restrictions we have been incredibly resourceful and still been able to connect with each other.
These acts of kindness will bear fruit in the fullness of time. Just like my blackcurrant jam good things can still come years later, so even though we might not see how our actions and prayers have helped people we can trust that God will use our efforts for His purposes.
Lord thank you that you have chosen me to be your hands and feet. May my actions during these difficult days bear much fruit for your kingdom. Amen.
Catherin Tidmarsh, 10/02/2021