Lost and Found

Once upon a time there was a little boy who went to a ‘School Boy International Football Match’ at Wembley Stadium. He went with a coach party of boys from his primary school. The match was very exciting and England won, - of course!
At the end of the match he was swept toward an exit in a crushing crowd. After emerging from the stadium he was relieved to be in the fresh air.
Unfortunately, he lost contact with his school group. He couldn’t see anyone he recognised in the crowd. He looked over the huge car park where his coach was embedded in a mass of coaches identical to his. He felt so alone and wondered what to do next. He sat on a concrete step. He couldn’t see any stadium officials or police to go to for help. He went back the stadium entrance and hoped his party didn’t go home without him.
It was dark and raining. He was cold, wet and miserable. Suddenly, he heard a familiar teacher’s voice “Hugh Dunlop, where on Earth have you been?”
Separation from friends and family is a familiar experience in these times of Covid-19 lockdowns.
I have gained great encouragement from keeping in touch with my friends in the HTR community. I have enjoyed the varied range of on-line weekly activities provided via the HTR website.
I need to know which paths to take in life especially in these times. The future is uncertain for all of us. We need guidance, like that found in the book of Proverbs:
‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely solely on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths’ (Prov. 3 v 5 - 6).
Hugh Dunlop, 01/02/2021