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Light in the darkness


“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” (Isaiah 9:2)

It is very hard for us in Richmond to experience full darkness. We are surrounded by light so much of the time, even during the night. The glow of Central London is often visible on the horizon making even the darkest night not completely dark.

Those who have experienced complete darkness often say how powerful and even oppressive it can be. The feeling of being in total darkness is almost physical with the weight of darkness surrounding you.

Which makes the promise of Christmas all the more amazing and wonderful. God speaks through Isaiah about Jesus by saying “the people walking in darkness have seen a great light…” At Christmas, God shines a huge spotlight into the world in the person of Jesus. He brings light into the darkness, a powerful light that will shine into our hearts. Even though it seemed like the light had been extinguished on Good Friday, God promises that the darkness will never overcome it, and on Easter Sunday Jesus rose again.

We have to admit that we live in a dark world. A world which was made by God and still bears the creator’s mark of goodness, certainly, yet with plenty of darkness and despair as well. The message of light in the darkness is just as relevant now as it was in Isaiah’s time and at the first Christmas. As we surround ourselves with lights this Christmas – candles, fairy lights, lamps and all manner of other lights – let’s remember the true light that has come into the world.

Photo by Josh Boot on Unsplash