Walking in the mountains

In the summer of 2019 I was fortunate enough to be part of a group of friends who trekked through a remote part of Central Asia. It was one of the most beautiful, most fulfilling experiences I’ve ever had. It was also pretty tough. Trekking up a valley at around 3000 meters above sea level in fairly hot conditions isn’t a regular stroll in leafy Richmond Park.
We were surrounded by extraordinarily high mountains (high enough to be snow-capped in the middle of summer). I remember one of our guides asking what the mountains in the UK are like. We had to reply, sheepishly, that the highest peak in the UK (Ben Nevis) is about 1.5 km nearer sea level than the valley we were walking in.
Nothing I’ve seen or experienced until then compared to those mountains. And it reminded of Psalm 121:
“I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”
Seeing those mountains was a wonderful reminder of God’s power and majesty, and of my own smallness and dependence on a Saviour. They still are.
May the mountains you look up to or gaze down upon be a constant reminder of God’s power and love, and of your utter dependence on the Creator of the mountains.
Nico Marais, 16/11/2020