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The Almighty


“The Lord Almighty is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress.” (Psalm 46:7)

Psalm 46 is a great psalm of encouragement. It’s full of powerful images of the roaring waters and towering mountains, burning bows and shattered spears. It has important commands to “come and see the works of the Lord” and “be still and know that I am God”. But one of the most powerful statements is one of the simplest: “The Lord Almighty is with us.”

Perhaps you know that God is with you. I guess most of us who would call ourselves Christians would say that God is with us. But what do we truly believe about the God who is with us?

Psalm 46 doesn’t just say that “God is with us.” It says “The Lord Almighty is with us.” Do we know and believe that God, the God who is with us, is Almighty?

Almighty simply means ‘all mighty’, that is, having the strength and might to do all things. God is Almighty, because there is nothing that is beyond his strength and power. God is Almighty so there is nothing he cannot do. God is Almighty so absolutely everything is within his ability.

Do we know this? Or do we secretly harbour the idea that God is mighty and powerful except for this, or that? God’s strength is able to meet any situation except this particular situation that I face? God’s power is sufficient for everyone except me?

The Lord is with us and the Lord is Almighty. There is nothing in all creation that is beyond his power and strength. There is nothing in all our lives, our worries, our circumstances and our struggles that is beyond his power and strength. We can call on God our fortress to be our strength and our shield in every part of our lives.

Dan Wells

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash